"When it comes to big cats, it's about vision."



My Story

Ohitika comes across as a lazy cat.  You can usually find him in his den or on it, resting with his paws splayed out to the side.  Declawed on his front paws since before he came to us, he has always struggled to keep up with his enclosure mates–leaving him the occasional victim of a practical joke or two.  But his enclosure mates know to not push him too far!  Ohitika can hold his ground when he needs to.

I've been adopted by:

Dawn & George Meyer

Ohitika Square


About Me

Celebrated Birthday
April 17, 2000

Name Translation
Brave One
Bengal Tiger – Panthera Tigris

Magic Moments
Ohitika was resting on his den when I was trying to get a spider out of his water bucket.  After a few minutes of watching my distress, he got down, dumped the bucket with a paw, gave me a snarl, and then got back on his den as if I had troubled him greatly.

More Pictures of Me


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