
For Immediate Release CENTRAL FLORIDA ANIMAL RESERVE, INC. (CFAR) Has Reached the GuideStar Exchange Gold Participation Level as a Demonstration of Its Commitment to Transparency Sharpes, FL – CENTRAL FLORIDA ANIMAL RESERVE, INC. (CFAR) today received the GuideStar Exchange Gold participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability…


BBC Nature – Rare cat filmed up close in Borneo. This fascinating article talks about the rare and reclusive clouded leopard–filmed up close in Malaysia.


Central Florida Animal Reserve invites you to be a part of the full social media experience! We have a fun and exciting application to add to our list of social media accounts ! CFAR has now joined Instagram! For those of you not familiar with…


To explain why the headline “It’s a Girl” announced a very special birth, I will tell you a bit more about the mom’s beginnings. With quickly disappearing habitat, and loss of prey, the endangered Florida Panther has enough to cope with. There are thought to be 100 – 160…