"When it comes to big cats, it's about vision."

Central Florida Animal Reserve – The Move Campaign

Because of You

Central Florida Animal Reserve’s Osceola Campus, 2017

Why and How to Give

The Reserve needs your help in our new location to support a place where our cats can live and people can see and experience the awesome presence of these great animals.  NOW is the time to give as NOW NEVER WAITS.

Giving is about legacies.  As you give consideration to your participation in The Move Campaign, we hope your gift will be a lasting legacy as well.  It can also be in honor of in memory of a loved one by “claiming” (on a first to give basis) a place or space at the Reserve that is permanently named after them.


Pledges of cash gifts, the most needed form, are most welcome.  Cash gifts provide an immediate tax deduction to donors depending on their tax situation.

Appreciated Securities

A tax deduction for a gift of securities (corporate stock, or bonds, or mutual funds) may be greater than a cash gift provided your base (the amount you paid) is lower than its current appreciated value.  The Reserve will sell the securities and apply the proceeds to the campaign fund.

Real Estate

By giving real estate you avoid the difficulties of selling property and pay no capital gains taxes.  Our research must indicate that we can sell the property.  The proceeds from the sale are then applied to the fund.

Long Term Investments That Pay Income to Donors

Trusts can be established where you as the donor can receive income during your lifetime and at the same time provide income to the Reserve.  Various trust gifts allow donors
to reserve a major tax-deduction for establishing charitable trusts.  Please consult your legal adviser.

Matching Gifts

Some companies match employee or retired employee gifts dollar for dollar or even more than the amount given or pledged.  Please check with your employer about terms and conditions.

Impact of the Reserve

The ecological, educational, and economic impact of the Central Florida Animal Reserve in St. Cloud and Osceola County include but are not limited to:

  • Students will be able to engage core standards in a ‘living laboratory’ among some of the rarest creatures in the world
  • Expansion of outdoor learning opportunities through real-life application of knowledge
  • Learning the value of conservation in conjunction with our educational partners at Forever Florida, an eco-tourism destination
  • A destination for kids from primary through secondary education with tiered programs designed to grow with the learner
  • Educators will have an opportunity to expand their professional repertoire beyond the classroom with opportunities to lead practical experiences
  • It will support college and career readiness by providing more in depth opportunities for specialized subjects such as veterinary care, animal husbandry, construction and design, business and marketing, and more.
  • Be a draw to the area and increase the reach and reputation of eco-tourism in Osceola County
  • Provide unique experiences that will extend stays in Osceola County and the surrounding region which will benefit service industries such as hotels, restaurants, retail stores, and service stations
  • Additionally, the capital improvements and necessary maintenance will require non-outsourced labor opportunities for Osceola residents
  • Growth over time will provide potential job opportunities of various levels that include entry level through professional.


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