
wooser2This is the Big One!

Success in this challenge means a new home for CFAR’s Big Cats!

CFAR Family, 

Here’s your chance to make every donation count for even more!  During last year’s RYOT Challenge, CFAR placed 2nd and won an additional $50,000 towards our Move Campaign.  This year, we’re participating in the Holiday Challenge and we urgently need your help.

Success in this year’s Challenge can make our new facility a reality!

Today is the day. The CrowdRise Giving Tower Holiday Challenge has launched and we’re out to raise the most money between now and January 6th in order to win the $100,000 grand prize.  We also have a shot at additional monies weekly based on unique challenges offered.

This week’s Challenge:  The organization that raises the most will get $10,000!

Please Click Here http://www.crowdrise.com/CFLARHoliday/ and give what you can. Don’t forget to forward it on to your friends, family and other lists so that they can share the joy!

And, as a part of the Challenge, CrowdRise is also hosting the craziest #GivingTuesday event ever. It’s called the CrowdRise Giving Tower and by giving to our cause and downloading a free app, your donation will show up as a individual brick on the Giving Tower…a tower built in augmented reality.

Then, please Click Here https://www.crowdrise.com/givingtower to see a video explaining the Tower, watch the Giving Tower grow and download the free app to find your brick.

P.S.:  Stay tuned, there’s going to be lots of cool stuff coming out during the campaign!  If you’re not already part of our Social Media, join us for the fun at the links below!
YouTube (new videos incoming!): http://www.youtube.com/CFLAnimalReserve
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/CFLAR
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CFLARBigCats
Instagram: http://instagram.com/CFLARBigcats/