Thanks to the fine folks at RKC Site Solutions, we have some amazing drone footage of the new Central Florida Animal Reserve facility in progress! A direct link to the video is here: You can really see the scope of the project when you get in the air that way, and so it’s a good time to talk more about the vision for the finish product. Dr. Simba Wiltz and Asli Goncer talk about the nature of the project, and some of the details that you can see from the air. What’s being built has got to meet a number of requirements, both external and internal.
A View of the New Central Florida Animal Reserve, in Progress Release Date: December 14, 2014
P.S. Embed not working? Go directly to the source! Click here for the CFAR sounding page.
CFAR Sounding is the radio blog of Central Florida Animal Reserve, Inc.–send comments, thoughts, and ideas for future shows to [email protected].