
Aging in Big CatsThe Golden Years: In spite of many efforts, no one is immune from the process of aging.  We are born and then undertake a fantastic journey of growth and development.  This life cycle is the hallmark of all living things, and the big cats are no different.  Dr. Simba Wiltz and Asli Goncer talk about the life cycle of big cats and how dramatically they can differ depending on the situation.  The discussion compares wild and captive situations, revealing some distinct differences and some amazing similarities.  Experience and research come together in an amazing tale as we trace the lives of tigers and lions from birth to death, and discuss the remarkable changes seen in human intervention.

CFAR Sounding: “Aging and the Big Cat Life Cycle, Part 3”   Release Date: October 19, 2014

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CFAR Sounding is the radio blog of Central Florida Animal Reserve, Inc.–send comments, thoughts, and ideas for future shows to contact@cflar.org.