
Lion Boys K Mulvihill

A recent lawsuit filed in New York intended to establish “person status” for chimps has opened a new front in the discussion of animals and their place in society. This leads to big questions about self-determination, the concept of self-awareness, and the distinction between animal welfare and animal rights. It’s a big topic, but Dr. Simba Wiltz and Asli Goncer take up the task to continue the discussion about our complex relationship with the animals that share our world.

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://cflar.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Cfar-sounding-5-4-multitrack_mixdown.mp3″]Release Date: May 4, 2014

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CFAR Sounding is the radio blog of Central Florida Animal Reserve, Inc–send comments, thoughts, and ideas for future shows to [email protected].