
Canine distemper (CDV) is a debilitating virus that can strike down even the bravest of dogs.  But did you know that dogs are not the only victims of this condition?  Earlier outbreaks have already caused extinction or near extinction of other species, including big cats.  The mention of CDV as a cause of “big cat zombies” on Animal Planet last week led co-host Asli Goncer to do a little research into it and find that their story doesn’t exactly match the truth.  Dr. Simba Wiltz joins the conversation as the team talks about the real Canine Distemper virus, the danger of outbreaks in wild populations, and how human intervention can help offset its risks.

Canine Distemper…and Cats?  Release Date: December 7, 2014

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CFAR Sounding is the radio blog of Central Florida Animal Reserve, Inc.–send comments, thoughts, and ideas for future shows to [email protected].