
© Central Florida Animal Reserve, 2014

Our show starts off with a construction update! Get caught up on the latest happenings at the new facility. H.R. 1998 is all the rage in the big cat world–this bill, introduced in 2013 will amend the Lacey Act of 1981 and effectively alter the landscape for big cats in the United States.  But is it really the answer to the issue of big cats in the US?  Though considered unlikely to pass, the message and methodology surrounding this bill have started an important conversation for us all.  Follow Dr. Simba Wiltz and Asli Goncer as they discuss some of the implications surrounding this much talked about issue.

CFAR Sounding: “Legislative Layout, Part 2”   Release Date: August 10, 2014

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CFAR Sounding is the radio blog of Central Florida Animal Reserve, Inc–send comments, thoughts, and ideas for future shows to contact@cflar.org.