CFAR Welcomes New Residents!
Say Hello to our Newest Residents
Central Florida Animal Reserve is proud to announce the arrival of 4 new residents!
Introducing Agro and Lily, two gorgeous 10 year old tigresses; Coty, a majestic 4 year old lion and Ralf, the youngest at only 18 months! With great weather and a dedicated cast of staff and volunteers, the cats moved into their new home safe and sound.
As with any move, adjusting to a new home can take some time before receiving new company. While Coty, Agro, Lily and Ralf get acclimated, the team at Central Florida Animal Reserve will continue to offer tours to meet our existing residents.
Consider booking a tour today or making a donation to support the transition of our new arrivals! Central Florida Animal Reserve is fully committed to creating a platform for big cats in the future while providing value to society today, and we look forward to sharing our new residents with you very soon!