We need you this Holiday Season!
This Holiday Season, we reflect on what we have accomplished this past year at Central Florida Animal Reserve (CFAR). We couldn’t have done it without you and we look forward to 2018!
Because of your support, we have successfully moved our cats into a new facility that is over five times the size, and our cats just love their new home! Now that we are at the Osceola Campus, we have much to do in 2018. We need your assistance to make 2018 a bright one for our animal residents.
As you reflect this holiday season, we hope you will take a moment to accept our gratitude for your interest in Central Florida Animal Reserve and our big cats. Make your donation today to help us continue educating our community about our big cats for future generations.
With your donation, you will be helping our volunteers continue our mission to build a platform to address the challenges for big cats in the future, and provide value to society today.
We wish you the best and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!
Donate via Check:
Central Florida Animal Reserve
PO Box 184
Sharpes, FL 32959
Donate Online:
Donate while you shop!
Choose much needed items and send them directly!